Saturday, March 17, 2007

In love

I am in love with this sari yarn. It isso beautiful and colorful, and not at all hard to work with, as one would think by the "scrappiness" of the yarn. It's like a breath of fresh air, and I can't wait to have this bag ready!

Not that I need a breath of fresh air, in the utopia that is California in the springtime. We climbed a mountain, smelled flowers, and sat in a meadow, all after 4pm today. It was incredible.

1 comment:

lupinbunny said...

i liked working with the sari silk too. my parents broke up just as i started knitting with it and i was (to my surprise - i was all grown up and out of home) a bit shaken by it. all the sari colours cheered me up every time i looked at them. each colour is a new surprise, because there's no rhyme or reason to the colourway.